Tchia Wiki

"Soul-Jumping allows you to warp ito any animal or small object and take control of it."
— Journal Description

Soul-Jump is an ability available in Tchia. As Tchia's special ability, it allows her to warp into and possess any animal or small object and control it. When possessing an animal, Tchia can use it's available traits such as flying, swiming, sprinting, etc. This enables Tchia to travel across the environment quickly, reach high locations like the top of a building, and participate in a variety of races and puzzles. If she possess an object, she can move it around and make it jump. This is useful when trying to burn Maano or move objects to a specifc location. Soul-Jump can only be used on nearby objects and animals. If they are close enough, they will be highlighted a bright green color while in Soul-Jump mode while everything else will be dark green.

Soul-Jump is tied to the Soul-Meter which represents how long she can possess an object or animal. Should the meter run out, Tchia will stop her possession and return to her normal form. Another ability she has access to is Soul-Throw. While possessing something, Tchia can aim and throw it. This can be used to throw something and then repossess it to move from a spot quickly. It is also useful to throw explosive objects at enemies or destructible objects. Soul-Jump is used to obtain the "Thing" and "Soul-Cannon" Trophy/Achievement.


  • Any animal possessed by Tchia will have her Tiaré Flower on their head. Once Louise moves the flower to Tchia's other ear to represent their relationship, the flower will be on the other side of any possessed animal's head from then on.

