The Secretary is a character that appears in Tchia.
- "Incredibly obnoxious hostess of Ga Ngazo."
— Journal Description
The Secretary works for Maevora as the hostess of Ga Ngaza in Aemoon. One day, Tchia walked in and approached her. She told Tchia to grab a number and soon called her up to her desk. After the Secretary rudely asked what she wanted, Tchia told her that she wanted to talk to Maevora. The Secretary told her to fill out an excessively large number of forms and despite the challenge, Tchia managed to fill them all out. However, the Secretary took the stack of forms and threw them in the recycle bin. She then handed the girl a list and told her that she needed to gather the listed items for a Coutume in order to gain an audience with Maevora as it was "tradition". As Tchia was walking out, a man named Eli took the 1000th number. He was congratulated by the Secretary and was given immediate audience to Maevora, much to Tchia's dismay. She later allowed Tchia to travel up to the throne room after she returned with the listed offerings. It is unknown what happened to the Secretary after Meavora was dethroned.