Tchia Wiki

Eli is a character that appears in Tchia.


"A scientist who was granted direct access for a meeting with Meavora. Hasn't been seen since."
— Journal Description

Eli was a scientist that lived on the Wildlife Refuge with his son Youl. One day, he traveled to Ga Ngaza in Aemoon to meet with Maevora. He walked in as Tchia was walking out and pulled the 1000th number. The Secretary congratulated him and gave him an immediate audience to go see Maevora. This annoyed Tchia because she had pulled the 999th number and had to fill out an excessive amount of paper work only to be told that she had to first gather gifts for a Coutume to receive an audience. Eli was later forced to clean Maevora's throne room against his will. He was cleaning the throne room's floor when Tchia arrived to speak with Meavora. After Meavora was dethroned and killed, Eli returned home and hugged Youl.

